This Detective Comics #872 878 (DC Comics, 2011) Scott Snyder Jock Cover is a must-have for any comic book collector or fan. With an impressive lineup of artists and writers including David Baron, Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla, and Jock, this comic is sure to be a thrilling addition to your collection. The issue features an exciting cast of characters including William Rhodes, Oracle (Barbara Gordon), William Rhodes (Death), Etienne Guiborg (Villain), Benjamin (Villain), Batman Dick Grayson, Lt. Harvey Bullock, James Gordon, Tim Drake (Red Robin), Batman (Dick Grayson), and Barbara Gordon (Oracle). The cover art by Jock is stunning, and the comic's features include direct action and a captivating storyline. This comic is a great choice for fans of crime and thriller superheroes. It's written in English and published by DC Comics, making it a valuable addition to any comic book collection.